I've been watching a lot of recording related tutorial videos over the past year - some are very professional, and many are semi. Many are just cheesy.
Above all else, the one thing that drives me batty is when they (whoever) cannot stay on the subject. When they have to comment on why or what the reasons are for this or that which have nothing to do with the subject at hand - they cannot resist explaining that this particular example track is bad because they were up all night and hadn't had breakfast yet... you know.
Kenny Gioia (Reaper) does not fall into this category.
I've stopped watching them. Here's why:
1. constant use of the phrase: I'm going to "go ahead and" xyz. For example: I'm going to
go ahead and mute this track/ I'm going to just
go ahead and get started./ Let's
go ahead and see how that sounds. etc
2. Constant hawking of email subscription to get their "free recording guide". The desperately want your email.
3. Use of words like cheat, hack, life hack, top 10, top 5, hax
4. Starting every single video with "What's up guys?" or "Hey what's good?" or anything like that.
5. Rambling for an age before they get to anything resembling a point
6. Speaking in a thinly disguised 'fed up' manner...fed up with explaining this again/ treating viewers like morons...but trying to be nice (and faking it badly) because they want viewership
7. begging for clicks/ spending inordinate amounts of time reminding us about hitting that like guys, smashing that bell, subscribing
8. seemingly promising pointed, specific approaches to recording or mixing only to waffle on for ages with highly generic "make sure to tune your guitar" or "make sure you sit in the triangle" or "remember to write down your thoughts about the mix" or "use a reference track" or some other easily, low effort "hack" to pad out a new video
9. using neon colours, huge graphics and contorted facial expressions in the video thumbnail preview like a true youtubing moron
10. never shutting the hell up about patreon
11. using the phrase "you know what". e.g: And you know what...here's the thing...it's all about tracking./ You know what, I
am going to throw a compressor on there.
12. using the phrase "you know what" in conjunction with the phrase "go ahead and". e.g: You know what, I
am gonna go ahead and throw a compressor on there.
13. saying things, with regards to hitting like and thumbing up etc, like: Coz guys it really helps the channel. Or...it really helps the channel algorithm. Yeah, what you mean is that you get money for clicks. Just say it.
14. making their "free cheat sheet" sound easy to get...hiding the fact you have to navigate a minefield of links, clicks, agreements, only to have to give them your email. If you are SO sincere about getting this vital free info out, just give a link to google downloads or something. It's not hard. Ohhhh, you're desperate for a large stable of strangers' emails for your business plan? Right, I get it.
15. not being transparent about their business plan
16. doing what everyone else does...because that must be right
17. assuming everybody is onboard with your social/ life views. No, we don't all swallow the kind of social engineering you have.
18. using inserted pictures on screen to add humour to your boring rambling
19. editing your presentation to be a bunch of quick clips/ phrases all piled back to back so it's cool and fast and catchy
20. sucking at mixing and tracking
21. video starts...rambling for 2 minutes then comes the cut to the channel promo video blurb intro for a minute that blows your head off
22. quick vocal mixing guides with 400 plugins on them
23. being called "friend"
24. making adjustments that can't be heard
25. people who say "It's your boy xyz...what's good, what's good?"