what do you use for recording?

what is your choice to record on??

  • laptop

    Votes: 10 12.2%
  • desktop

    Votes: 67 81.7%
  • other

    Votes: 5 6.1%

  • Total voters


New member
sorry bout the double post the poll didnt work on the first one..

so vote and if you vote other let people know what you record on!
But then again I use tape machines as well - sometimes in concert. Other times in isolation - it depends on the result I want &&&&&& how disposed I'm feeling towards technology at the time OROROR the number of trakcs I feel I need.
However, I wouldn't use a laptop if I could possibly avoid it.
I use both: a laptop for my MIDI recording because it's convenient to have nearby and a desktop for audio recording and overall editing.
I also use both,,,,but in all honesty,,, i prefer the laptop.
Its 3 times faster than my desktop and has been tweaked especially as a daw. Was gonna build a better desktop as a daw,,,,but why,,,, the laptop is fantastic, there is nothing i cant do better on the laptop that i used to do on my desktop.
Am well pleased,,, gets my vote.
rxkevco said,
"there is nothing i cant do better on the laptop that i used to do on my desktop."

I'd qualify that with "except maybe record audio!"
rxkevco said:
there is nothing i cant do better on the laptop that i used to do on my desktop.
PCI cards? PCI > Firewire, USB

I built my desktop, which is slowly getting tweaked for audio. Next purchase: quiter case. I should have known 2 years ago when I built it that I'd be using it for recording, not gaming (I was a Computer Science major back then). Stupid me.
I use a laptop for recording mostly because several of the things I get hired to record are on location. For instance, 2 days ago I recorded a student recital at a local university, and next week I've got a job recording a concert band competition at that same university. If I was in a studio full time I would prefer to use a desktop, since it's so much easier to use multiple hard drives and keep them in the box rather than using all externals.
i have a really small desktop (monarch hornet), which is good for portability and it's very powerful. the best of both worlds for me. all my laptop is good for is surfing the net...it is rather old though
Gateway 2.8Ghz P4 xp latop, Glyph GT050 80gb firewire drive, Motu828mkII.
ZERO problems.

Then again, I had zero problems with my previous desktop daw, a P4 2.2Ghz with dual drives and an Echo Mia soundcard.
Means to record

Well at this time I'm still on my BR1180CD. The clarity is great....but by this weekend I hope to be on the PC recording like a mad-dog! Just purchased Cakewalk.
Roland VS-1680. But its up for sale if anybody is interested. Im movin up to da VS-2000 i juz love Roland so i gotta stay wit em. I would go wit da VS-1824 but its mad slow. Inless theres an OS to make it faster. When i say slow i mean as in the importing audio. But let me know.
misscc803 said:
i juz love Roland so i gotta stay wit em.

Who is Roland? :D

Sorry...couldn't resist. I've got a pal that might be interested. I'll give him a heads up.

What did you say you're asking for it?
I used to use both because as Hugh H said, it's easier to do midi with the laptop because you can have it close by to do keyboard work Plus I also have a Yamaha DT Express Electronic drums set in the studio.

But, since I got my Tranzport controller, it no longer matters. I can run anything in the studio from any room. It really does change the equation and question.........
Dell 4700 . 160 G HHD , P4 3.4Ghtz , 1024 DDR2 Ram .

Tascam US-122 - USB 2 channel interface and a
Creative Labs SB Audigy 2 ZS sound card - PCI
Phillips ?? Sound Card PCI

Mackie 1604 vlz mixer

Shure drum mics and overheads/room mic's

Pearl Drums and Zildjian Brass
MAC Usage

I use a Power MAC 2.3 Dual Core for my desktop and theres nothing portable about that bastard but boy does it get the job done!

I also use a G4 powerbook for solo stuff and ideas.