what do you think?


New member
Hi everyone!

Been lurking on the boards for a while now picking up inspiration for my journey into home recording .... just need a little help with my final shopping list ....

Going with computer recording (cos i've got a bad-ass dual athlon pc :) ) .... mainly recording electric and electro-acoustic guitars somewhere between kelly joe phelps (gentle finger picking - obviously not his stuff as such cos thats damn hard!) and steve vai (fast, twiddley ... R2-D2 on steroids!) ... no live drums to play with yet possibly occassionally bass guitar .... already using cubase so will stick with what i know for now!

ok here goes the list (budget around $750) -

audiophile 2496 (cant afford a 1010 but a 1010LT is tempting!)
studio projects b1

so i think that should cover what i'm after ... probably play around with mic-ing up the guitar amp and also recording direct ... cos i read the direct guitar recording thread and i'm still not sure!! ;)

what do you guys think ... hopefully it should allow me to record the stuff i want but expand out as and when i need :) ...

lil_gator said:

ok here goes the list (budget around $750) -

audiophile 2496 (cant afford a 1010 but a 1010LT is tempting!)

Wait till you can afford the Delta 1010 or you could get the delta now and wait on your DMP3.
Do you need ten ins/outs? If not get the Delta 44 of Delta 66 (if you want S/PDIF)--both have four ins/outs with breakout box. The Delta 44 can be had for $199 at GC, maybe even cheaper.

I recently got the GC in San Marcos CA to sell me a DMP3 for $119 and an Oktava MC012 (great mic) for $71--out the door for $200.

You could probably walk out of GC with both the 44 and the DMP3 for $250 total.

I like your mic choices, although, if you can pick up an MC012 or a Marshall MXL603s I'd do that also to match with your B1 for stereo recording acoustic guitar--if you are going to do acoustic stuff. The cool thing about the MC012 is that you can ad an omni cap later for $64. I love the 603s on acoustic.