What do you think?


New member
Just letting everyone know that my dream to have a studio has happened:-)

My name is Zach and I run a Professional Project Studio called ConcreteDogBicycle Recording studios (or cdbStudios for short)

Please check it out and let me know what you think. Our Website can be found at http://www.cdbstudios.com

Thanks and hope to hear from you all.

Pic's and location

Thanks to all that has replied so far, and thanks for the welcome. I've been reading this BBS for sometime now and never really posted anything. I think I did a few years ago and have forgotten all my login info, anyways....

As for pic's I will try to get some up soon.

The studio recording room has 7' 7" tall ceilings (should of been 10', but the foundation diggers must forgot to look at the plans :-( ), it's 19' X 23' (L X W) with bass traps in every corner. The studio is underground with poured concrete walls that have a layer of styrofone (sp) and a layer of soundstop on top of it. The ceiling has 2' of blown in insulation with soundstop also. There are fur furring strips every 16" on center on the walls and ceiling. All have been painted. The floor is small strand carpet that was put in (laid over) a concrete slab. The bass traps are home made. The consist of yellow insulation with pegboard over that and then a piece of cloth you can get at a fabric store. They are built into the corners of the live room. the doors are carpeted, also.

The control room is anything but symetrical. And I know from reading alot that it should be symetrical, but after listen to the recordings I have done, I don't hear a displaced stereo field.
The material for the control room is soundstop behind the monitors and the rest of the walls drywall. Carpet on the floating floor, the console table and on the doors.

I will try my best to get a rendering of sorts for all of you interested in knowing how it really looks.

Thanks again,
