What do you think.


Sound Junkie
Hey guys if you don't mind I would appreciate a criteque/comment on this rough mix I did a few months ago. I'm curious more of what you guys thing of the recording quality over the mixing.

Nice intro.
The drums don't fit. they sound as if they were forced on the rest.
Go back & remix the kit bit by bit esp the cymbals there's a little out of rhythmness to to the ride or H/hat - can't tell which it is as it didn't record to clearly.
The rest of the track's a goer. Just fix the drums & get a melody.
Well the drums where recorded with one room mic, a kick and a snare mic. The client was playing everything himself and was a drifter dropping by to get a few ideas out. He didn't own a kit so he hadn't practiced in a year or so since he left his home. There is plans to have a session drummer come in down the line but that may not be for a couple of weeks.
Guitar sounds good, nicely recorded.....
Could definitely use a melody as rayc said, or a lead instrument to jazz things up a bit....not bad as an instrumental though.....

:) :D :) :D