What do you think of Laney Amps?


Drummer and Pipedreamer
I have been looking to buy a tube Marshall amp but recently saw Tommy Iommi playing a Laney stack. I play a Gibson SG Standard like Tommy and thought he got a nice sound out of it using the Laney set-up. Any opinions on Laney vs. Marshall???
I have Marshall and Laney amps. My preference is the Laney, they are a lot more solidly built in regards to their quad boxes. I have a Laney AOR 100watt head and slope Laney box loaded with Celestions and the service, reliability and the sheer punch delivered has been outstanding!

Don't get me wrong about Marshall's, I just think they are a little pricey these days due to their namesake! They are however a very fine amp indeed, but my vote goes to the British made Laney! :)
Paul Gilbert plays Laney, and I guess he knows a thing or two about guitar tone. They have some stinkers (Hardcore MXD range ... fine for the money I suppose) and some gems (VC range). The VC15 just got the big thumbs-up recommended award from Guitarist magazine over here (one of the guitar mags where they actually try to review the products rather than the adverts).

There's something quite nice about the fact that the good ones are made in Britain. The other week we were waiting on a half-stack that someone had ordered and paid for, I called up the distributor who told me that it was on its way, they just hadn't finished building it yet! Sure enough, when it arrived the next afternoon it had a date of manufacture label on it with the previous day's date!!!! :)
Freshears has a Laney amp. I played through it and I thought it sounded real good. I used to have a 100 watt marshall tube amp (it was stolen)...I thought it sounded real good too....but...the marshall is not as good as the laney on clean stuff IMO.
Also, marshall tube amps buzz (well, all the ones I had any experiance with did)
I play through the Tony Iommy signat. series 4x12 and prefer this tone over my 1972 Marshall cab w/ greenbacks ... (which i personally find somewhat lackluster)

very solidly put togeter, too ...

if you can - give them a try ... also most of their stuff (until the very recent one) seems to be made un GB (as opposed to china)
