what do you think about this mix


New member
here is another cover

this time I tried to mix it a bit better

I put a lot effort into it so please listen to it

by the way it's an oasis cover

Not a bad effort, but a number of sonic issues....

The guitar sounds very thin and has a midrange honk to it... use mic selection and placement to get a full and rich sound.

That percussion is WAY oo loud and cutting in the mix. It should accentuate the guitar strumming, not overpower it.

Vocals also have a midrange honk to them - leading me to believe you're either over-EQ'ing everything or the mics themselves are the culprits.

Keep practicing your recording skills... it's the only way to improve!
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i would have to agree with blue bear. It sounds like an old recording or something. I like the tamboreens but a bit too loud. There is no bass right? i couldn't hear any. Pretty good though, the perfromance would solid
Overall great recording, and great performance. A few things to consider though.

I agree with Blue Bear about the guitar, but I think it may be okay without rerecording personally, just a few minor eq edjustments may help. But rerecording with different mic placements may not be a bad idea.

The tamborine is a bit loud as well, other than that it's sonically good(it's tought to screw up the tamborine anyway).

The guitar doesn't sound stereoey(if that makes sense) enough as well. I would keep the current guitar track but pan it left at 9 oclock, then record another one identical to it and pan it right at 3 oclock.

The lead part is pretty neato. I dig it. The bend around 2:03 sounds just a tiny bit off to my ear. I may be wrong though.

The "love" part/chorus sounds just a tiny bit off-key at times. A few options may be rerecording a few parts or finding a good autotuner. Otherwise, I personally enjoy the sound quality/performance of the vocal.

With these minor adjustments(and they ARE minor in the grand scheme of things) I personally think this song would be ready for mastering.

Great voice by the way.
having read the posts i expected the mid honk thing to be more prominent - note to self: don't read thread until after listening.

tambourine backed off for sure.

vocals more forward i think, and less eq'd to the high side. let the vox be as natural as possible and make other stuff settle in around it maybe.

the track could really benefit from a stereo spread. it practically sounds to me like it's all straight on- i'm not the best attuned to that as i have damage to my hearing in one ear, but maybe try to massage some width into it with some simple panning.

good perf all around though and nicely handled energy.

why no bass??
thanks for listening and your comments

I really appreciate them and your tips - even though I don't get some of them :)

All I do is singin and playing into the mic - sometimes I double my voice or use some efffect but that's it

but I'll try to use some of the things you said and mess a bit around to get better

and the thing about the bass is that I just don't have one - sometimes I play the bass part with the top string of my guitar but that doesn't always sound good

thanks again

so you're not really mixing then. just letting things fall where they may i guess.

yeah, experiment with gentle eq and panning then- it's fun to hear the difference little changes can make.