What do you record on laptop or desktop


New member
hello all its time for me to get a new computer. I have always been fascinated by the idea of a laptop and especially a kickass one i could record on. However I know the desktop is the most for my money but not really portable like the lap....so that is why im looking for results on this poll to see the odds.

if other respond with what you like to record on .
I love the idea of recording on a laptop and being able to records bands in their own garages or rehearsal rooms... then I realized I'd have to bring along so much gear (mics, mixer, soundcard, preamps, cables, the works) it'd be easier to have the band come to me instead...

Besides, why pay 1500 Euros for a good laptop if you can pay 500 for a desktop with the same specs...
Both. My main setup is a PC at home, but I have a Tascam US-122 that I can take along with my laptop for mobile recording, which I don't do very often.
What JoePie said. If you only need something for personal recording, then a laptop offers portability. Otherwise, you still have to lug around mics, stands, cables, etc.

Desktop here.