What do you guys think of my piano ballad?


New member

there's a rough recording of it.

I kinda stole a lot of the lyrics from the Jethro Tull song "Requiem"

just tell me what you think of it!

ok, i was wondering mainly what you think of my voice. Please be harsh and critique the vocals honestly! I think I may have been a bit off on some of the harmonies.

Is it double tracked? Your voice sounds like that if you took off whatever effects you have put on it, then it might sound quite nice...but it is layered or masked with some kind of chorus or reverb or something, which (I think) takes away from the quality.

What did you put on the voice?

The song itself sounds good, I like it...are you playing some off key notes on purpose as like a dischordant type of feel?
my voice is double tracked and has a little bit of reverb on it. Also, I think my piano was a little out of tune, which is why it may sound discordant.