what do you guys think? bass on ebay, gone in 5 minutes!

JazzMasterWil said:
It's impossible to get a great deal on ebay....

Not so. In the past few months, I bought a working Conn Strobotuner for $15 and a Shure 548 mic for $20. I was the only bidder on both, and I don't know why. Both sellers had good marks and the items were placed correctly. The Strobotuner I bid on 3 days before the end, and the mic I bid on in the last 30 seconds.
JazzMasterWil said:
Unless you stubble across a "gibdon les paul" and some idiot has just mispelled gibson. (And trust me that never happens, I check)....

Haha, man, this reminds of when I found a "Symetrics (sic) 501 compressor" on eBay. I bid on it immediately and was the high bidder at $1 until about 10 minutes before the auction ended when somebody else beat me by a couple cents. I lost, though, because the other person just bid higher than I did, not because of any sniping or anything. By the way, if that person is any of you, I hate you! :)