What do you all think of this?


New member
Check out the 3rd CD on this page, it's called OBBLIGATO and it's my bands (COBALT FUR) soon to be released CD. There's 3 tracks you can listen to: Wondering, Complete and Waste. The other 2 CD's on the page are old and we recorded those at other studios.
OBBLIGATO was recorded in my home studio and I'd like to hear what others think and what I could do to make it sound better. http://www.cobaltfur.com/audioandvideo.html

I recorded this using Sonar 4, EMU1820, Behringer ADA8000 for the drums, POD2.0 for guitars, Behringer Vtone Bass amp modeler, a SM58 on vocals and the software effects that came with Sonar.

Waste kicks ass! I really like this tune! I am struggling with mixing but if I can get a song from our band half as good as this I will die happy...
1st up CONGRATS on choosing some different guitar sounds. There is a stamp of individuality on Wondering that comes, in large part, from the ensemble SOUND. Nice vox.
I dig the backing vocals too.
What did you use to get the gtr sounds?
Nice bit of existentialist wondering in the lyrics.
Has a little bit of Tea Party in the rhythms - middle easternish hints?
Cool bananas dude.
the mix is pretty flash.
Fade out is just right.
bdknocks said:
Check out the 3rd CD on this page, it's called OBBLIGATO and it's my bands (COBALT FUR) soon to be released CD. There's 3 tracks you can listen to: Wondering, Complete and Waste. The other 2 CD's on the page are old and we recorded those at other studios.
OBBLIGATO was recorded in my home studio and I'd like to hear what others think and what I could do to make it sound better. http://www.cobaltfur.com/audioandvideo.html

I recorded this using Sonar 4, EMU1820, Behringer ADA8000 for the drums, POD2.0 for guitars, Behringer Vtone Bass amp modeler, a SM58 on vocals and the software effects that came with Sonar.

Hey bdknocks,

I listened to "Complete"....Great stuff!

It reminded me of "TOOL", in some ways.

The only constructive criticism that I can offer is that the intro guitars and bass seem to fight too much for the same space. Once the distorted guitars come in everything starts sounding pretty sweet.
The soloing guitar could do with being bought up and forward in the mix.
The vocals also need to be a tad more upfront. But the vocalist does a great job here!

Thanx for sharing!


Great stuff there bdknocks! :)
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Thanks for checking the songs out. It's hard to judge sometimes because I listen to it too much and after awhile it all sounds like crap to me.....and other times it sounds great.
I'm having trouble getting the final mix volume loud enough, when I compare to other bands, my stuff is quieter. I try boosting it but it starts getting distorted.
As far as the guitar sound goes, I'm using a POD 2.0 for electric, my guitarist uses a telecaster with a HOT Semour Duncan pickup, I don't know the model of it but it sounds good. For the acoustic guitars we use electric/acoustic guitars pluged into a Behringer Vtone acoustic modeler.
Right now were a 2 piece band and my guitarist should get most of the credit here. He writes all the music and played all guitars, bass and vocals on the new CD. I just played the drums and put my 2 cents in on some arangements and did the recording and mixing........and paid for everything! LOL
I do feel VERY fortunate to have such a talented guitarist/vocalist to work with. We've been together since 1986 and it's been a fun ride!
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