Being British, our rules are a bit different - grounding of out buildings here can be tricky - but the basic things I would do would be to separate gear that must remain on (in my case, that's some computers, the broadband router and a NAS drive) and the rest, which I have working via a switch on the wall, near the exit. This means I can walk out, hit a switch and the power to the amps, the keyboards, computer monitors, the other gizmos, all goes off. Best idea I've had. On my return, that one switch, powers everything up.
In the UK, we use ring circuits as standard, but my studio is run from radial circuits, not a ring. This would confuse UK electricians who rarely do radial circuits nowadays.
My lighting circuits are also split - one switch is work lights - hard and bright, and the second switch is lights that illuminate the work area, like the desk with the DAW and keyboard. A third one, puts pools of lights on a keyboard area and of course, my guitar collection.