What do I need next?


New member
I have a digital 8 track recorder, a few cables, an SM-58, crappy headphones, and when all is said and done I transfer to my computer to burn to a CD.

It is mostly guitar, bass and vocals being put down, but what do I need to make my recordings better? As a whole, the recordings are very sterile and muffled. I know I need some decent monitors and some headphones (I know I don't even have those). I haven't really spent much time in the recording game lately, so I just don't really know much. Mic Pres? New Mics? Switch to computer recording before it gets too late?

My goal is to just record some basic solo type stuff and put it on a CD and have it sound decent. Thanks in advance.
After the microphones you need mic pre-amps, and I would recommend a multi-fx processor rather than specific ones.

Those two pieces will help you enormously.

Running a mic through a pre and a multi-fx into the digital should get you certainly an acceptable quality for the level of quality I think you're wanting at this stage.
I'm going to leave that up to others - I am not familiar enough with the "new stuff" to give you a good answer.

You should leave a price range idea too, it'll help others.