What Do I Do Next In Cep?


New member
Can anyone suggest ideas for the next Step PLEASE!!!

This is what I have:

Track 1. Kick
Track 2. Snare
Track 3. Tom1
Track 4. Tom2
Track 5. HiHat
Track 6. Ride
Track 7. Crash
Track 8. Rimshot
Track 9. Tamborine
Track 10. Clap

Track 11. Bass
Track 12. Elec Guitar1
Track 12. Elec Guitar2
Track 13. Lead Guitar
Track 14. Strings
Track 15. Choir Aahs
Track 16 Accoustic Guitar

All tracks are now in CEP but what should one do to work on getting the right volume levels? I have them sounding individually great, took out all unwanted noise, volume levels on each are just below -9Db.

I done some recordings before but I wanted some professional advice as I and many of us are always still learning and striving for perfection. Any help would be great!!

You can hear some of my older recordings that I've done a year ago at : http://www.geocities.com/bigandygau to give you an idea and maybe you can help me improve by suggesting some ideas with the above tracks.

Thanks for your time.

Andrew(Big Andy).

You need now to get a mix of all the intruments together that you are happy with. Then mix it down to a stereo two track version and do a little editing there (chopping off loose ends and such) to clean it up.
