What did I do wrong


New member
Sorry guys
I Must have done something wrong my thread was ignored and removed from the forum.

If I did some wrongdoing please let me know I am not so good at this and maybe I stepped on someone toes I am sory guys

Lemme know where I broke the rules


my question was about (changing tempo of anduo)

There was another question on the subject I just saw It today

I gues it cant be done in sonar
No need to all out of wack.LOL..Nothing happened to the thread.It's right here:

You have to click on those little page numbers at the bottom of the screen to get to a thread that has been bumped off the front page.;)
Suggestion:Bookmark any important threads that you wanna keep up with ,or subscribe to a thread to recive e-mail alerts when someone has posted in that thread.
what did I do wrong

Thanks guys

I taught I had broken the rules or something like that

I have decided that I will do my audio in Cwp9
there I can change tempo of audio tracks with no problem
then move it to sonar
bye bye