What compressor setting for . . .


New member

What are some starting points for setting to reduce the dynamic range of a recording?

I did a recording which sounded fine over my home monitoring system, but in real world playback (office minisystem, car), I've found you can't hear the quieter parts w/o playing back at a level where the louder parts blast you away when they come in.
Dosnt sound like you need to compress, just reduce the volume of the louder instruments in the mix, this will make the softer parts seem louder.
It's not a question of the instruments relative to each other, but the whole group plays from moderately loud to extremely soft. I suppose I could just ride the master gain, but I thought perhaps there was might be a smoother way to do this.
This is really a problem that should be handled in the mix phase, with fader moves - BUT: If you've got a really good compressor (or perhaps a Really Nice Compressor) try a low ratio - like 2:1 or less, and the threshold set so it kicks in right at those lower levels you want to bring up. Adjust the make up gain so the loudest parts are just as loud as before. See if you like it.
