what child is this...


New member
this is my version of one of my favorite christmas tunes. Listening to everyone's contributions to the holiday sonic cheer kind of inspired me, so thankyou.
hope ya dig it.
Really nice,the guitar playing was great!
I dig your voice,the harmonies were sweet.

How did you record the guitar,sounds good.

Amazing tune,this has to be the oldest Christmas song there is,and it still sounds great.

Really enjoyed it,thanks!

Happy Holidays,
damn! I was gonna do this one!

this is also my favorite carol but, to be honest, I prefer it without the words. There are some amazing versions of it out there. Coltrane and even a jazzy version from a charlie Brown Christmas.

Nevertheless, I certainly dig this version. The guitar playing is excellent and it doesn't hammer away at the melody line, which is a nice idea for a song that's been arranged a thousand times. You do it justice, good sir.

merry xmas!

thanx much gentlemen. This kind of music is just fun to do.
Muzeman, I recorded the guitar w/ an old marshall mic, probably
just off the sound hole toward the 12th fret on one channel, and a direct into another channel thru an art tube mp preamp.
Seems to work okay I guess.
Stonepiano, go ahead and post your interpretation of this tune.
I got the idea from someone else on the board. I always think
it's cool to hear other people's versions.
thanx again for listening.
Hey Mr. Murphy. This is a very clean recording.

Guitar is excellent. Sounds like a Martin, so if it's not, just humor me (little white lies are okay here). Your voice is also excellent. Well, not much else to compliment outside of the vocals and the guitar, eh? LOL...when the first 3 chords were played, I thought it was "House Of The Rising Sun."

Since this is under 2:00 minutes, I think a little instrumental break with a tastey acoustic lead just off melody might be cool. I dunno'...just an idea.

My only other suggestion relates to the doubling of the vocal. I double vocals sometimes to thicken them up a bit, but I don't like it when the doubling is so obvious...and it honestly kinda' stuck out to me at the beginning. It's fine once the harmony vocals come in, and I'm a big fan of doubling backups. But for the lead, I'd either pull one of them down a little in the mix (they sound like they're both at about the same level, and they're competing), or maybe a little more verb to kinda' "glue" them together a bit. My vote is for the volume adjustment.

Or, you could hold off on the doubling until all the voices come in, b/c you don't really need it at the beginning...IMHO (<--- I have no idea what that acronym means, but I always see people type that right after they dish out some negative comment).


Thanks for posting this. If you change it, let me know.
chrisharris said:
blah blah blah ...IMHO (<--- I have no idea what that acronym means, but I always see people type that right after they dish out some negative comment)


Gotta be the funniest thing on the board today :)
Good recording, Endixses... maybe a bit too much low on the acoustic (proximity effect)... but not bad at all... nice vocal production... actually VERY nice... you know, all those 60's folk bands I got to hear as a kid becuz of mommy's record collection... it's gotta sound like one of them... just cant think of whom :confused: It's more the production esp. the vocals that sounds familiar.

Anywho... nice rendition. Good musicianship. Passed. Flying colors. :)

Thanx for the input chrisharris. Yup, it's a Martin;) since white lies are ok. (I wish):D
Truth is it's a charvel acoustic/ electric i got for like $150 a couple of years ago. Must have been the new strings.
In retrospect, I have to agree about the doubled vocals on the melody. Alas, I deleted the song after i mixed down to cd to give me more space on my hard drive. I'm using an old fostex fd-8 w/ an even older mac external 1 gig scsi hard drive.
participant, you sir, I would also have to agree with concerning the lows on the gtr. I've yet to get a sound I really liked Micing the acoustic. That's why I always go with a mic and direct in on seperate channels so I can mix them and come up sith a semi- decent sound. Such is the life of a part- time recording enthusiast.
Learning is a blast though and I appreciate yer input.
Thanx again.
A very nice version of this. I liked the vocals.....had that old folk thing happening. I agree that the dbled vox is too much. When I dble things, I usually think of the 2nd voice the same way I think of 'verb. And I'll only turn it up 'till it just colors the main voice. Just enough so it smooths the pitch fluctuations without really being audible and it's a pretty fine line.
Good guitar......good vocals; another nice song for me to listen to this Christmas, thanks.