What can I do with a midi file I recoreded?


New member
I am recording midi(evetually audio) and audio on my PC. I think I'm getting the best sound I can possibly get with what I have to work with -
AMD II 350
128 meg RAM
20 gig HD
SoundBlaster 64
Mackie 1202
Yamaha DX100 (for midi input)
Like I said the sound is alright but when I convert all my midi channels to audio (to evatually burn to CD)I start to lose quality and "fatness".

I have a friend who is producing demos for a publishing company using a Roland Digital 8 track studio(VS8somthingE) and an O1W keyboard.

My question is - can I save all my midi tracks to a midi file and use this file on either the Roland digital recorder or the O1W to complete my demo at my friends studio - if so how?