What can I do better? Dance/Pop track!


New member
Hi! I wanted to have some advice on my last remix, it's strictly my first track and I would appreciate a lot any type of advice, in terms of production, mixing, composition...

I had special problem with the Drop synths, it has various layers and I don't know if it may be a bad mixing on these that made it kind of dirty, so any advice that I could apply here would be very useful.

Also I realized the mono dilemma when I played the track on my phone, I couldn't hear correctly the drop synths and the background vocal when it sounded by itself, to solve this I used an equalizator with M/S option and enhance the mid to hear them in mono, is this correct or is there another way to make the track better in mono?

Thanks, cheers!

Hmm cant see the time counter but about a third of the way in where the beat gets louder . It buries the vocals . Those swells would be better if they didn't overpower the whole mix .
Yeah I also noticed that the synths get really loud and it really buries the words. I liked the song though. I don't listen to this kind of music very much but it sounds very much like you did a good job. Just watch the levels in the chorus part. Sometimes with this kind of music, elements disappear in mono. It's just kinda the way it is. Anyone listening to audio on a phone shouldn't expect to hear amazing quality so I wouldn't worry too much about how it sounds in mono.