What cab should I get go with my Plexi Re-issue?


New member
I need a new Marshall Cabinet. I'm using a Plexi Reiussue.

I think that's what I'm using. It says Superlead on the back but everybody tells me I have a Plexi.
if i were you i would consider one of the convertable type cabs... so can be open or closed back.... two distinctly different sounds especially in terms of bass response...
I've got one of those heads. I've got a 1960a, a '65 fender 2x12, and a celestion 1x12 75 watter. They all sound good. Bring your head to a shop and try some different cabs out.
I've got one of those heads. I've got a 1960a, a '65 fender 2x12, and a celestion 1x12 75 watter. They all sound good. Bring your head to a shop and try some different cabs out.

I have a feeling the 1x12 and the 1960a have the same celestion..unless theres a few diff celestions with 75w. While ur at it, try some orange/mesa cabs...anything with V30's...they sound amazing with..a lot of different things.
I have a feeling the 1x12 and the 1960a have the same celestion..unless theres a few diff celestions with 75w. While ur at it, try some orange/mesa cabs...anything with V30's...they sound amazing with..a lot of different things.

Yeah, they both have 75 watters. The 1x12 is an open back cab. I actually like the higher wattage speakers with that amp. My 2x12 has 30watt emminence speakers and it sounds fantastic as well, but very different.