What are these loops in Laney amp?

Could someone clarify what can be done with these two fx loops?
And what a fukkk is that Insert loop ??
Old Laney TF400 amp 120w. See pics
Thnxx brothers and sis
Just a neat way to connect up your Copycat and your Space Echo at the same time, and have access to the first and the last insert point. Overkill for most, but a simple way of adding stuff in and out.
It's two separate effects loops that can be turned on and off separately with the footswitch.

The insert loop, iirc is between the preamp and power Amp. This is where you can chain amps.
It's two separate effects loops that can be turned on and off separately with the footswitch.

The insert loop, iirc is between the preamp and power Amp. This is where you can chain amps.
It's two separate effects loops that can be turned on and off separately with the footswitch.

The insert loop, iirc is between the preamp and power Amp. This is where you can chain amps.
Chain amps?? What is that, brother?