What are best books to by for guitar effects building?


New member
Alright, i've been learning about this stuff for the past few months. I know how to read a schematiic, and i dug somewhat into variations of different component types, etc.

What are some books that will best lead me from this point?
and are there any books out there that deal more with analog effects, spring reverbs, etc.?
I studied electronics at community college last year just to get a good understanding of components and stuff so I could make my own pre's, stomp boxes etc. What I have discovered along the way is that your not going to save money doing it yourself! I had difficulty finding any books at all that were stomp box specific. I do have one from the seventies, but a lot of the components are just not available.

The internet is by far the best source for schematics and info, but if your like me you hate reading off the screen. So I got a ring binder, a stapler some dividers and a hole punch, and every schematic I come across that is of some interest now or could be in the future I print. Its important to print out the notes that go with the circuits as well. Its worth while printing a few versions of a similar schematic (there are about a thousand different fuzz faces out there) and learn how the component combinations alter the sound so as you can design your own mods etc.

By far the two best web sites for easy guitar effects stuff are these;

