What amplifier? What power?


New member
Hallo everybody

I got two Marshall Monitors model 6151H Horn
125W R.M.S. 8 Ohms.

What amplifier should I get? What should be the power of this amplifier? (How many watts)


Crown makes a good amp. :)

Model depends on taste and such. I'm a budget home recording kinda guy and use an old Alesis RA-100 that I got as a package deal with my Monitor-Ones. You can do better though.

How much do you want to spend?
Hafler makes a good amp. I think the p1500 should do the trick. It might be a little more than you want to spend (check ebay) but a $150 power amp won't be clean enough to do you much good.
Farview, why is that? I am going to get some Wharfedale Diamond Pro 8.2's, but I haven't decided on the passives or actives yet. With such a small difference in price between the passives and actives, is the amp in the actives crappy? I know jack about amps (aside from guitar amps). Will a cheaper amp introduce noise or distortion? Or do they de-linearlize the frequency spectrum?