What a find!


New member

I just found this site and think it's fantastic already. I have been slowly building up home recording equipment and now enjoy recording at home.

I've got heaps of questions but I'll leave them for later.


Hell, I thought you found an LA2A at a garage sale for $15 or something. Welcome to the board.
Hey Jimmys69,
As I said earlier I have been slowly building up music gear for home recording. I want to get better so I went looking for some help & found this forum.
If u r interested here is a link to my last recording...

The Police - Message in a Bottle cover - YouTube

I have a few ideas to get a better mix so i'll be sending the questions down soon.


Good to have you here! Enjoyed the video. So, is that you playing bass and guitar with a reversed camera angle? Or do you and the bass player share the same ring? :)

I will say, the ride sample is ringy in a bad way. That would be my only nit there. :)
Thanks jimmys69. I like your take on the camera angle. I think i had the iphone upside-down when i filmed it. (couldn't work out how to flip it without the twist!) You r right about the ride sample. Some eq might fix it.

It's a cheap 2nd hand bass i picked up last week & i'm having fun playing it.

Thanks again for watching.