Wharfedale 9 series?


It Ain't Me, Babe
I saw where someone mentioned that Wharfedale was bringing out the Diamond 9 series to replace the Diamond 8's.

I have just ordered a set of 8.2a's and I was wondering if I should hang out for the 9's?

It's gonna be a while before there will be a lot of reviews on the 9's. There's a lot of testimony on this site that the 8.2a's are great for the money. Plus, they'll probably release the 10 series in a few years. It just depends on when you need them.
I'll call Wharfedale Monday for you guys and get the details. I talk to them every few days they have made no mention of it to me and they're good about keep me up-to-date. I do know that have some nice proaudio speakers coming out.
I talk to the Wharfedale sales manager and he said that the HI-FI 9 series are out and said no pro model of the 9 series is available. He said he would suspect that they would be coming but not on the near future (at least a year).