Wet and Dry Question


New member
Okay, so i understand what Recording a wet track and a dry track mean and understand how to do them separately or to mix them together and tweak them. The question i have is how can you record both a "wet" track say "a mic'd up tube head and cab using the amps distortion" and also be able to record a "dry" track "maybe use Guitar Rig or Amplitube" at the same time during the same take....

I think this is possible in fact i think this is probably a very common thing studio engineers do with the tools of todays digital world.....

I don't know if this makes a difference but what i am using is....

1. Peavey 6505 head
2. Egnater V30's 4x12 cab
3. 3 mics in use
-Audix i5
-Shure SM57
-Audio Techina Mic
4. Interface "Focusrite 2 Saffire USB 2.0"
5. Software "Reaper"
"Adobe Audition"
"Amplitube 3"
"EZ Drummer"
"EZ Drummer Metal Foundary"
Use a direct box. Go from the guitar to the DI, from the DI's "thru" output to the amp and mic the amp as usual. Go from the DI's balanced output to the other input of the interface. No need to involve amp sims until the part is recorded.
Okay, so i understand what Recording a wet track and a dry track mean...

Not trying to be picky, rather just clarifying the terminology.....but unless that is a new way to describe what you are doing, the term "wet" and "dry" have always referred to the use/addition of reverb...or not.

IOW...in your scenario, unless you are also adding reverb to the guitar sound or recording the amp in a huge room with distant room mics for natural reverb in addition to the close mics...both methods are going to yield "dry" tracks, though going directly into your computer will technically be drier. :)

The act of bypassing an amp and recording directly in to your computer is not really called "dry" recording...but DI (direct injection) recording, as opposed to mic recording.