Well that's an odd noise for my pedal to be making...


New member
I bought MXR Carbon Copy delay pedal about a month or so back off a little ebay store, brand new for 125 thanks to a nifty little coupon. Well after some delayed shipping I finally get it in and give it a try. Tweak the knobs, fiddle around a little, and out comes this nice helicopter like sound. A constant pulsation that's adjustable with the knobs. Thought maybe it's just somethin weird this pedal does when the battery's low so I plugged it in to no avail. Well I got too busy and didn't register my warranty with dunlop in time so that's out the window. Contacted the seller and he said he could work something out but I'm not holding my breathe. So I figure if I'm stuck with it I may as well see if anyone has encountered this before with this pedal or any delay pedal. If not, well at least now you can say you've heard of it.