Weird Reason 4.0 error


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Hello everyone. I've been having this strange error with Reason on my laptop. I'm running Reason 4.0 with my Mbox 2 asio driver. Weird thing is, the audio buffer size in the Mbox 2 asio control panel is stuck at 1024. Whenever I attempt to change it, it just reverts back to 1024. While tweaking trying to fix it, I ran Reason 4.0 as an administrator and it's stuck at 512 in that mode. If I can just get it down to 256 thats good enough for me lol! I've never had this issue on my PC. Any input? Thanks.
Just a quick thought: can you press the control-panel in the audio preferences menu? I cannot set the buffer for my sound card in reason, only through the control panel.
I could go to the control panel, but 1024 was selected and I couldn't select the other options. However, last night I figured it out. Prayer works! I had to update Pro Tools Le from 8.0 to 8.0.3. That fixed it because 8.0.3 comes with new audio drivers.