Weird noises when adding new cymbal samples to fruityloops


New member
I'm currently trying to use fruitloops to sequence my drums, but the pre-packaged drums under the "real drumkits" pack were a little limited for my tastes. I liked the drum sounds out of the Zoom drum machine that I was using originally, but it had limitations with velocities and didn't have any kind of "humanizing" filters or tic alterations for each beat. I figured I would download some zoom drum machine sounds and try to use them with fruityloops, but the cymbal samples ended up sounding weird. I assumed that the person who originally recorded the samples messed up in regards to phase.
I decided to test this theory, so I went to the Sabian cymbal page and downloaded some waves there...(if anyone is going to record a cymbal sample correctly, it would be them, right?) When I plugged these samples into fruityloops, it did the same thing....UGGGGHHHHHH!!!! I'm getting so frustrated with's this weird, squishing, squashed, almost like a gate is on, nasty sound that is present as the cymbals are trailing off. I figured maybe I'd mess with the resonance and decay for individual wave file (fruity loops provides this), but it didn't work. AM I ALONE, OR HAS ANYONE ELSE EXPERIENCED THIS TOO!!!?? PLEASE HELP!!!