"Waves (Demo)" - Any feedback is great. Thanks.


New member
This is just a demo. I have an idea of what the rest of the song will be like. Experimented with vocal mic positioning as well as acoustic dampening. Did very little EQ in the DAW as I didn't see that it was necessary. Did put some compression in to make it nice and brickwalled. It works for this genre so hey... gotta do what you gotta do.

Recorded most of this directly into my ART Pro Channel II which then went into my Zoom R8. Recording on there vs a computer is the same except I'm limited to 8 tracks so it would've sounded the same whether I recorded to Cubase or dragged the files from the R8 to Cubase.

Thanks for your time.

Audiour - Share Audio, Simply

Edit: By the way, the words make no sense. This was the first take, so I had no lyrics written. I have a foundation off of this though.
Did put some compression in to make it nice and brickwalled. It works for this genre so hey... gotta do what you gotta do.

Really? To me it sounds horrible and by horrible I mean utterly dreadful. It's clipping all over the place and doesn't sound good at all.

Perhaps there is a good melody under there somewhere. What I heard gave me a headache so I stopped it. I'd remove that 'nice' compression and re-post it if I were you.
I was being sarcastic when I said nice. I'll lower the compression and repost so it breathes a little.

And uh, did you get a headache from the production or because of the melody? I had nothing written down or planned, I just hummed something while listening to the guitar and recorded.

I don't plan on screaming like I did at the end the whole song.

I am new to home recording, but it is a nice track! You voice is good but out of tune sometimes. I would recommend you "tune" your voice with a plugin. I find GTune is quite good.

Good foundation for a first take!
