Wave to MIDI Intelliscore


New member
I need accurate wave to MIDI conversion software to convert some fast flamenco guitar passages to Edirol Orchestral grand piano.
Not guitar synth for real time playing, just accurate converter.
Anyone here tried Intelliscore.
These things probably don't work well enough to convert rasqueado and other flamenco techniques. The pitches simply go by so fast the software can't get enough information to latch onto accurately.
That is true, but a good workaround is to record the Flamenco onto your computer, and use an audio editor to slow the wav. file down (Time stretch). Try slowing down the part by 50% at first. Then you could use the Audio-to-MIDI converter, then simply double the MIDI playback tempo. If you don't have an audio editor, there are plenty of cheap, and free ones available. Remember to , that you don't need stellar time stretching algorithams that perfectly translate every nuance of the audio data. just something to convert the majority of the notes accurately. You can always fine tune the MIDI data afterwards.
Atterion, I would think that would not improve the situation very much. I'm sure you have listened to a slowed-down performance. Not only do the overtones that are introduced by the imperfection of the time-stretching algorithm (even a stellar one) muddy the "water," so to speak, every little imperfection in articulation and attack is exaggerated. A part that sounds rock-solid at normal speed sounds warbly and rubbery when slowed down. Instead of seeing a quick note with a fairly clear fundamental frequency, the pitch-to-MIDI converter now sees a sustained note with its pitch wandering around.