Wave Form Processing


New member
I have a problem that I can't seem to solve

I have this wave form

For some reason (maybe due to crappy microphone), the wave is slanted upwards. I learned that this creates a problem when sampling because it'll create a "click" sound when you stop a playback. So my question is that is it possible to somehow straighten that out?

wow, that cool...I've never seen something that severe.

It looks like a type of DC-offset problem, to me. However, the wave form appears to start and stop at the zero line just fine...it's just in the middle where it starts to mess up. Not sure why.

Typically DC offset can be corrected by using an offset remover plugin, or throwing up a hi-pass filter....at a very low frequency (maybe around 10Hz...you might need to adjust it until it starts to look better).

Where did you get this audio file? How was it recorded? I'd be more interested to know which piece of gear is causing the problem (most likely a converter)
Wow, 10Hz HP filter did the trick. Man, how do you guess that?

Yeah, I don't have good equip, it was just recorded with a regular gaming headset speakers. Though, it was just for fun.

Thanks a bunch.
it was just recorded with a regular gaming headset speakers.

that'll do it. crappy converters/mic probably.

can you post an MP3 of the file? I'd like to take a look at it (just for fun ;) )
Usually something well below 10Hz is causing the problem...something your speakers won't reproduce.

glad to hear it fixed it though.