Waterfall - Feedback please


New member
Hello everyone,

Firstly I'd like to say how awesome this site is, has been an amazing resource for me for several years. Thank you all who post and give their time (I'm a lurker, but am getting more involved!)

I've just finished my debut album; Waterfall. All played and produced in my lounge room ;-) You may listen here:


It's ambient / drone / doom / stoner; a bit of a mix. Instrumental.
I'm pretty happy with the sound, given the low-fi equipment used (3 computers for 3 mic's on the drums!?! Don't even ask...).
I'd really like some advice on improvements in my setup (and songwriting) for the next project. This is fairly finished but if you hear specific things that stick out I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks, and cheers.
Well, I'm not really qualified to comment on this genre. I listened to a few tracks, so here goes. Holy crap! The track/room noise alone on the first track just about popped my ears! Is that intentional? Props on achieving an amazing volume level without clipping, that was impressive! The other track that caught my ear was "River." There's a cool riff in there that sounds like Jimmy Hendrix and Black Sabbath mated in the back of a Lamb of God tour bus! So, that was pretty dope! :cool:


Haha... thanks maximusbs. I guess this genre does lean toward 'louder is better'. I didn't actually think it was remarkably loud - certainly didn't have that as my main goal - maybe it's because there are no volume controls in Bandcamp? It just plays at your PCs maximum...

Anyone else have a chance to listen?
I'm checking out parts of all the tracks now...

Yes, a lot of background noise on the first track which is all the more noticeable given how sparse it is. Not familiar with drone or post-metal and frankly didn't get it until about half way through the title track. When the drums really get going during the second half of Waterfall, I was digging it.

And yes, the main riffs on River sounded pretty kick ass. I wouldn't begin to know how to achieve that nasty, low guitar crunch. I like that track quite a lot. Very Iommi-ish. :)

All of the tracks kind of dragged from a convential listening standpoint, but I'm guessing this sort of structure is typically of something that would be labeled drone, correct?

Anyway - no advice here as I'm way out of my element, but I really like the guitar tones and riffs. :)
Thanks heatmiser. There is intentional background noise on the first track, but there is probably some unintentional stuff too!

Yes, it's common in post-metal / doom to have quite long, sprawling songs. There is no 'hook' (apart from some riffs that wander in and out).
I guess patience is a key concept, I'm in no rush, it's like laying in a nice park, or curling up in bed.

The guitar tuning is all the way down to A, and G in 'Ocean'. Playing through a big old Sunn stagemaster - which is now crackling like a bitch, I think the low tones have done some damage... :-\ haha

Any metal fans have a chance to listen?
Should I have just posted one track here? Seems an album is too much for many people to review...?

Sorry, a little new to this board. Hearing some amazing feedback in other topics, guessing the problem is me, not you. Haha. :D
Yeah an album is a bit much. I'm at work...I had a listen...I don't really like this music style...so I probably shouldn't have listened...but I'm at work. Anyway...well done on the album and all the very best