Was this "emo" before Emo?


New member
tongue in cheek of course, since teen angst has been around forever. but i found these lyrics in my old high school book (meaning, the 80's) and they made me laugh about how some things never change...now that i'm old, crusty and married it's funny to look back and see the things that really got me going ;)

People said you were easily replaced
But they just saw your face
And all the other faces just like yours

Who's to blame, you don't give them a chance
They are running around
Chasing dreams, but you, and you just take it

Tell them the truth
You are more than they know, do they know or do you even care
You can't believe
They can't see you - to them you're just a pretty face

at least i didn't rhyme every line! go, 16-year-old me!:cool:

edit - wow, jogging the memory. i just remembered I was listening to New Order's "Low-Life" when I wrote this. is it sad that I still listen to the same stuff?
+1 there is no mention of abuse, neglect, suicide, or anything closely resembling the angst caused by being cut from the J/V track squad......so NO EMO
you're right - time to modernize this thing! let's see, off the top of my head then...how's this for two new verses?

But you don't care, you just treat me like shit
Nothing I can do about it
Because I'm a loser and you'd never talk to me

I pretend you're mine to give away, and I know something about you
But I don't so I suck
I should die and I wish you'd hold the razor blade

Jahn said:
you're right - time to modernize this thing! let's see, off the top of my head then...how's this for two new verses?

But you don't care, you just treat me like shit
Nothing I can do about it
Because I'm a loser and you'd never talk to me

I pretend you're mine to give away, and I know something about you
But I don't so I suck
I should die and I wish you'd hold the razor blade

Perfect. Now how's that emo fringe coming along?
mx_mx said:
Perfect. Now how's that emo fringe coming along?

Should I tuck that fringe behind my glasses, or hang it over the lens like a victorian blind? I'm so out of touch with the kids these days!
hmm...how's this for a refrain then?

Unless you really mean it
Just put me in the game Coach, put me in the game!

Emo has been around since the 80's, the word i mean, in the 80's the word for emo was "indie", both of these words mean "i cannot catagorise this song, but i know i don't like it therefore it's ______"

Fill in the missing blanks with either Emo or Indie (they both work)

Even joy division are classed as indie in music channels?!?!?
_brian_ said:
Emo has been around since the 80's, the word i mean, in the 80's the word for emo was "indie", both of these words mean "i cannot catagorise this song, but i know i don't like it therefore it's ______"

Fill in the missing blanks with either Emo or Indie (they both work)

Even joy division are classed as indie in music channels?!?!?

See I interpret "indie" as "Man, I just noticed that we suck. We'd better call ourselves 'indie' to cover it up."

Emo is just the current incarnation of teen angst backed up by either acoustic guitars or pop punk.
Emo is a derivative of emotion suprisingly, there has been many incarnations, emocore, screamo. The only link with indie is the way it loosley decribes a genre. It means a band showing emotion in a melodramatic way, eg bands like embrace are Indie-Emo, or, shite as i like to call them.

Joy Division were a great band, noone can argue that, they have been classified as indie, but are definatly not, but wait..., they are post punk or new wave.

The Smiths were a great band, noone can argue that, they have been classified as indie, they are, but indie meant at that time "underground" eg not pop, short for independant record label. In this sense joy division can be classed as indie, but noone uses it in this way any more. The correct term for the smiths is indie pop, which is a contradiction.
People like to pigeon hole artists because it is hard to digest the amount of music on show. obviousley you cant listen to everyone. But the general puplic (including me) do not know what every genre means as there are too many derivatives. Therefore the public makes up it's own, and the record companies have to follow or they lose customers. (Due to misinterpretation of a particular genre)

Sorry for being boring