Warm Effect On Vocals


New member
Whats the best way get a nice warmth on your vocals without overdubbin the whole song/verse I record wiith a U87 Neuman and a Behringer B2 and my voice comes out clean but its too crisp and dry to him how could i and warmth to them?
Yo PG-13:

My birthday falls on the 13th so I'm responding.:p

A very fine muscian friend of mine gave me a professionally done cassette of a live performance with a vocalist as the "star."

I listened to the tape and whoever mixed it left everything VERY DRY. Thus, no warmth. You do need some reverb.

I ran the cassette into my MD8 and ran it back through my rig adding some warm reverb and my friend, as well as the vocalist who paid for the processing, were amazed at how much better the project sounded.

So, you might try a bit of delay and for sure try some different reverb rooms depending on your reverb box. I have two reverb boxes, an Alesis and a Lexicon. But, both may be obsolete when I start recording through my new DAW 2816 which has all the bananas including its own CD burner.

Hope this helps.

Green Hornet
:D :D :p

Warlock is on the right path......

6 to 12 inches max away from the mic (opinion only,YMMV)....

what preamp are u using?....
Since you afforded a good mic, you might wanna check out a really good preamp, and if you want thick, and I mean creamy thick, check out the Focusrite red series compressors and or the preamp/compressor combo's. The compressor is so creamy yummy delish. I love that unit. I thought it was the pre for a long time, but its a combo of the two, I think, very very very nice together. I think the preamp/compressor, which makes a GREAT front end with a Neumann, is about $2500. Dont waste a good mic with a crappy path. Just audition one somewhere, you'll see what I mean.
Thanx see i recorded in a Studio this guy has all this stuff its just my voice is high and i can dry his pre-amp is well over $3,000 but that Reverb and delay did the trick thanx again ~1~
hey, I'm glad that the reverb fixed it. I was going to suggest singing really close to the mic.

HEy, tell me, how does the u87 compare to the b2. Which sound do you prefer? Are they at all similar in sound?

Honestly Yes there are pretty similar in sound to me ... Like I said the Nueman's Clarity is GREAT so is the B2's its just the Nueman makes me sound Dryer. The B2 make my voice Dry but not asmuch as the Nueman did. I used tha B2 in his Studio and My producer was like " Sounds nice where did you pick it up at" so i told him... then he said " For how much" you shoulda seen the look on his face when i told him $200.00 he spent 3,500 on his after the session he went online and ordered a few B2's he even insisted that i trade him my mic for a Drum Machine. lol I was like "nahhh" I like both mic's it was just the B2 was more toward my budget and lucky for me it was a great buy try it for urself ~1~
OOO and i choose the B2 it give me a little more warmth than the Nueman thats just me in person
They say the B2 is the same as the RODE NT2, and I did like the NT2 on my own voice... I may get a B2 some time just to see if it's true.

thanks struberg.

I heard a recording done on one and it sounded pretty sweet. I am just asking becos of the reputation that behringer has. I probably will end up getting one, especially since it has roll off and selectable positions.

Prism: I heard the same voice through the rode ntk and nt1000 and I preferred the behringer