Want to learn Recording Studio Terminology??


New member
like myself a lot of us newbies get lost or confused when the experts are doing they best to explain terms to us....so i just made this thread so newbies can mention some words that they do not understand.....and the experts can hop in every now and then to explain what those words mean

for me to start off

1) dampen
2) pan
Dampen - This is commonly used instead of the word deaden. A few studio examples. 1) Using sound absorbtion panels to dampen room reflections 2) Using eqaulization to dampen or "roll off" some high end (high frequency) 3) Using Moongel or pieces of foam to dampen the ring (resonance) on a drum

Pan - This is used to describe using a control knob on a mixer (or stereo system) to place a sound somewhere in the stereo field (as an example, pan the guitar to the right).
thanks mikeh....this is the exact direction i was looking to follow.....clear explanations
don't get discouraged, as you get used to seeing the terms and what they apply to, you can use context clues as well!

alot of the technical stuff i still can't clearly define, but i do know what they apply to, on top of that, just research, you can get definitions for most of em via Google, if you choose to do it that way......

but good luck and most of the dudes here beyond newb status are all great with advice and suggestions in all aspects of this home recording stuff.....

best of all, you get a variety of opinions and views on everything around these parts of the net... i'm glad i finally joined instead of lurking like i was doing 2yrs prior....
Ask & ye shall find.
Acknowledge the giver with a rep point & give your name when doing so & you'll get more help next time.
Jargon can run amock on occasion - if you can gleen do ask!