want roland vs840(ex)

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i'm interested in gettin an 840 and tryin to figure out how to hook it up to my 880ex to get more tracks. will that work? can they record/overdub/playback together if they're digitally connected or maybe midi connected or something? Anyway i'm looking for either version, the regular or expanded.
840 to 880ex

Randompurpleness- I have an 880ex, and an 840 myself. There has to be a way to sync these two together. I actually have my 880ex and cdrII burner for sale on here. I do want to sell my 840 too though. Drop me a line, and maybe we can work something out. All of my equipment is in mint condition. I'm upgrading my computer setup, so that is why I'm unloading all of my Roland gear. Beleive me, if I could afford to keep it, I would. The Rolands are all great units. I look foward to your reply. Give Roland a call, or check out their site on line at USROLAND.com to see about syncing the two together. I'm sure that there is. You probably make the 840 the slave and use the 880ex as the master. Talk to ya soon.
hey H-man, i saw your thing about the 880EX and burner but didn't know about your 840EX. So that is for sale? Do you have a picture of it? I'd just like to see what condition it's in and everything. I'm looking on Ebay right now and there's one for $300 with just under 3 days left. I don't know how high it'll go but I'm only gonna go for if it stays under $500. The only reason I don't wanna go for the 880 is because it's (obviously) more expensive, but I read in my manual you can hook 2 of the same up. So I'm sure it'd work with the 840 as the slave like you said with digital connections as well. Anyway, throw a price out at me and I'll let you know...and give me another price with the 840 and the burner because I need one but can't go with the $600 new one that goes with the Roland stuff, so I've been looking at cheap ones for my computer. Looking forward to hearing back.

840, CDRII burner

Randompurpleness- check it out, I have my stuff on Harmony Central, and so far I have a ton of offers. Now, some people are offering me fot the package, and some for the 880ex alone. I have a pretty good offer from a guy for the 880, so if I still have the burner, maybe I could give you a a great deal on it. It's the Roland burner, and it hooks up directly to your 880ex. So, before you buy a burner, drop me a line. It too is in perfect condition. I just have to wait and see how these other offers pan out. Hey , do you know if you can use the 840 just as a digital mixer? For example, your using a computer program, and the 840 as the outboard mixer. Good luck on E-Bay and keep in touch
how much?

H-man, if you have the 840 and burner left, how much would you want for that? And how much for the 840 alone? The ebay thing has gone up considerably, so I don't know where that'll be by the time it's done. So please give me a price for those so I can know if I can go for it. I found the 840EX new for $860 on a zzounds.com where everything is as cheap as I've ever found it. As for using it as a mixer I really don't know. I have no experience with the 840, I only have the 880EX right now and I don't use a computer with it so sorry I can't help you out on that. I'll go look for you stuff on HC.
RP- I want you to know my 840 is an 840 not an ex. It uses the 100 meg zips and not the 250 meg zips. It is also mint. I know the Rolands burners are pricey, mine is new and I would sell it for $375. Let me know about the 840 and the burner if your still interested. Maybe we can work out some kind of good deal. Talk to ya soon.

yeah i knew you never wrote EX on what you were sayin so I figured that's what you had, I just said that about the 840ex cuz i can't find a reg. 840 for sale anymore anywhere. but yeah about the burner i'll think about that price, it depends on how much you want for the roland and i'm lookin to get a decent vocal mic so that may take priority. can you give me a price on the 840 alone and the package? email me at randompurpleness@hotmail.com, thanks. if you know where there are specs and whatnot on the regular 840 could you send them over too? I'd just like to see what it has and what it might not have.
RP- I will check out all the specs on the Roland for you. I will figure out a price for the 840. Honestly, I think the only differences between an 840 and 840ex are the size of the zip drives, and a few other things. Let me look into it for you. I think I have sold the burner already, I'll keep you posted on that too. Hey how do we exchange e-mail addresses so we don't have to keep going through this site? It would just make communicating a little easier. Have a good one and talk to ya soon. How do you like your 880ex? They are great units.
840 slave

Thanks JB- thats good to know. So you can lock up an 840 and 880ex. Thanks for the infor.
email address...

hey i posted my email up on the last one but i guess you didn't see it. yeah you can just email me back, i agree that would be easier. so again it's:


that's fine that the 840 has to be the master, i guess it doesn't really matter as long as they sync up. that's fine about the burner too if you sold it, i had originally decided to go with an internal one for my computer because of it's cheapness for the most part. So email me back with the specs you got plus a price of you have that yet, and I'll reply to everything else you wrote like about the 880ex. Looking forward to hearing from you, and thanks Johnboy keep jamming and stuff. peace.

someone lookin for an 840ex???

well i have one-- and i've been looking to get rid of it to start to build myself a DAW-- you can email me at cataclysMic1@hotmail.com -- and we can discuss pricing-- hope to hear from you soon--v.