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I've been excited about this way of engineering sound by using blind braille as recording notation that triggers a wind instrument like flute to make wind sound. The amplifier would be an air recycling engine and the audio receiver would process the braille notation on the flute. The flute sounds would blow out the speakers creating sound. For home recording the blind braille could be analyzed to create a type of cassette with the information of braille notation to play through the flute audio system.
This concept of braille flute engineering would make an emotional "reading" by the audience from the musicians and vocalist that are writing braille flute songs. Percussion would be easy with quick bursts of wind through the flute audio system with sub-woofer vibration from wind passing through low braille notes.
More advanced surround sound from braille flute audio would be created by understanding weather science of how clouds are blown by wind to travel throughout the world.
This concept of braille flute engineering would make an emotional "reading" by the audience from the musicians and vocalist that are writing braille flute songs. Percussion would be easy with quick bursts of wind through the flute audio system with sub-woofer vibration from wind passing through low braille notes.
More advanced surround sound from braille flute audio would be created by understanding weather science of how clouds are blown by wind to travel throughout the world.