Wall plate, what did I miss?


New member
Hey gang, I'm about to order the dredded wall plate for my LR. I have 18 XLRs female for mics and 6 of those combo XLR-1/4" plugs (2 lines, 4 headphones).
Do you guys fell I overlooked anything (besides Cat5E, FW,coax ... just talking about analog audio)?
That sounds pretty good to me, RaGe.
So thats 24 lines for the LR.
I might like to have more than 2 1/4" lines, but the combo XLR's sounds like it has that covered if need be.
Hey Michael good to hear from you. Yes I think I'm covered, although I may add 2 other headphones lines to make it 6. But that's about all I can think of.