Waisted threads

Thank you both for listening to my song.
Yes, I chose the name of the song quite arbitrarily
I'm from Germany, so my English inadequacies affect threads here in the forum.....unfortunately
lots of cool dynamics !crazy sounds around 4:50, whammy pedal? You're playing reminds me of Brian May/Michael Schenker very melodic and tasteful, with just the right amount of shred :>). Cool , enjoyed it!
THANKS FOR LISTENING stratmonkee. No it is not a whammy pedal it is a kemper with different harmonics pitches for example +4 -3 and octaves here and there. Here my new mix, completely reworked, remixed and remastered.
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Some good guitar playing.

I liked the lead guitar tone.

Rhythm guitars sounded good too. The rhythm part was a little busy in places and that clashed with the lead guitar. Just in certain spots. Maybe just pull them down a couple of dbs.

Bass sounded pretty good. Maybe a little too low-end heavy.

The cymbals were a little loud.