Waisted threads

Thank you both for listening to my song.
Yes, I chose the name of the song quite arbitrarily
I'm from Germany, so my English inadequacies affect threads here in the forum.....unfortunately
lots of cool dynamics !crazy sounds around 4:50, whammy pedal? You're playing reminds me of Brian May/Michael Schenker very melodic and tasteful, with just the right amount of shred :>). Cool , enjoyed it!
THANKS FOR LISTENING stratmonkee. No it is not a whammy pedal it is a kemper with different harmonics pitches for example +4 -3 and octaves here and there. Here my new mix, completely reworked, remixed and remastered.
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Some good guitar playing.

I liked the lead guitar tone.

Rhythm guitars sounded good too. The rhythm part was a little busy in places and that clashed with the lead guitar. Just in certain spots. Maybe just pull them down a couple of dbs.

Bass sounded pretty good. Maybe a little too low-end heavy.

The cymbals were a little loud.
Some good guitar playing.

I liked the lead guitar tone.

Rhythm guitars sounded good too. The rhythm part was a little busy in places and that clashed with the lead guitar. Just in certain spots. Maybe just pull them down a couple of dbs.

Bass sounded pretty good. Maybe a little too low-end heavy.

The cymbals were a little loud.
Hi, thanxx for listening. I have a new mix here and eliminated the problems, that could be OK.
Great tones and playing. Definitely much out of balance in the mix tho. Especially that snare. It's just not right...

Anyway, a Monday quarterback not trying to talk shit. Just my thoughts.

I can help with that mix if you desire. I haven't done my yearly 'pro bono' mix yet...
On earbuds, so can't comment on the mix, but the playing is great and I like how you have different movements in the song. Kinda like a metal overture.
Enjoyed the listen.
Thank you in advance for the listen, all comments welcomed.

Sounds like you were listening to Elton Johns ‘Funeral For A Friend’ - it’s good playing - but really where does it go? Your song follows the pattern of all shredder guitar songs - i din’t find anything that I didn’t expect.
Great tones and playing. Definitely much out of balance in the mix tho. Especially that snare. It's just not right...

Anyway, a Monday quarterback not trying to talk shit. Just my thoughts.

I can help with that mix if you desire. I haven't done my yearly 'pro bono' mix yet...
Yess! I'm looking forward to your mix!

On earbuds, so can't comment on the mix, but the playing is great and I like how you have different movements in the song. Kinda like a metal overture.
Enjoyed the listen.
Thanks for listening!
Metal overture is cool!

I think the song over all is interesting. That's all I'll say for now.

Thanks for listening!

Sounds like you were listening to Elton Johns ‘Funeral For A Friend’ - it’s good playing - but really where does it go? Your song follows the pattern of all shredder guitar songs - i din’t find anything that I didn’t expect.
i didn't think about elton john for a second
my guitar tells MY story
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