VTB-1 & RNC into Delta 1010


New member
I just ordered VTP-1, RNC and a C1 mic. I have a Delta 1010 and a Behr MX 1804X mixer used as a sub-mixer.

Although Behringer mixers are known to be less than first class, are they so bad that I should avoid routing through mine for recording and go direct to the Delta 1010 from the VTB-1?

The reason I ask, is that I would like to at least use the EQ on the mixer channel strip (convinient to use the mixer channel insert too), but am willing to just go direct if that will make a big difference in quality. I guess I could also just EQ if required in software (I've got Waves Power Pack comming too) I would be going in through the balanced TRS input of the mixer with the mixer input gain turned as low as possible, but am worried that the preamp of the mixer would still screw up an otherwise high-qualty signal from my C1/VTB-1/RNC setup.

I guess I'm asking how you guys would hook it up, and if the Behr mixer is so bad that I should just use it for monitoring. Go ahead and bash the mixer if you like but give me your honest opinions, because my feelings cannot be hurt. I'm already going to end up replacing it later with a Mackie because my left channel of group 11/12 is seemingly dead.
I am not going to try and slam the Behringer. Although just to keep a smaller signal chain then i would aboid putting it in the loop. There really isn't a reason to. The sound of the Pre and the RNC into the 1010 will be killer and unless running through your mixer gives you a sound you prefer I would just use it for monitoring. As far as the EQ goes I would definatly hold off and then use the waves eq afterward. I would say it would take a VERY nice mixer to justify using EQ off of it rather than the Waves stuff. It's usually safer anyway just to have the flexability of changing it after the fact. BTW I have the VTB-1, RNC, and the 1010. Good combo. Enjoy.