VSTi's wont Record...


New member
Hi Folks,

I've been using ACID Pro the past 3 years, and have finally got around to teaching myself CUBASE SX :)

I've got the SX POWER book, and have most of the 'basics' figured out....BUT, I just can't seem to RECORD any VST instruments via MIDI (ie: Groove Agent, A1, FM7, etc)

I select the VSTi from the rack, and enable it.

Then open up a MIDI track....

Set the Midi in: to all Midi inputs

Set the Midi out: to Groove Agent, or whatever VSTi I wanna record.

Enable track record, etc.......

BUT, there's NO VU level response in the MIDI track when I play the Groove Agent or A1, etc...and of course "NOTHING" records....

What am I doing wrong?????

I assume it must be something to do with my MIDI setup......but, I can't see where, having doubled checked with the manual about 10 times....

I need some HELP!!!!!!! :)

PS...I DID manage to record the Groove Agent by setting its setup panel to MIDI out - ON, then setting the MIDI track in: to Groove Agent....and MIDI out: to not connected.......

This did record it, but this is NOT they way it explains it in the book, and does not work with any of the 'other' VSTi's

I'm using the OMNI Studio Delta 66 card.
Hi there,

How are you playing notes into Cubase SX??

If you are using a midi keyboard you should select this as the midi in (you are correct in that it is possible to use "midi any" but you might as well try this) and which ever vsti for the midi out. Now select VST instruments from the devices menu and ensure that you have turned the instrument on (there is a small power button to the left).

Now if you record enable the track you should see the meter rising and hear the sound of the instrument.

If you are not using a midi keyboard you have to draw a midi part in the arrange page and then double click on it and pencil in your notes.

Hope this helps
