VSTi(MIDI)>Audio Track?


New member

How can I record a VST instrument (e.g. Neon) directly to an audio track?

I am using an external hardware sequencer/synth and they trigger the VST instruments without a problem. But how can I record the sound onto an Audio track? :(

Any input (no pun) is way appreciated!!

After I record my midi tracks, I change my soundcards mixer setting to record 'what u hear' and then play the midi track while recording it onto an audio track.
I haven't tried this, but I think it will work- try it and see.

When you mixdown your audio, it gives you the option to mixdown only certain tracks. I *almost* certain that the VST outputs are included in that selection list. Just select only the VSTi outputs, select the "Import to Audio Track" check box, and press that puppy down to audio.

Like I said, I've never had reason to do that, but I'm pretty sure that's how it would work. If not, let me know. :)

Take care,
Thanks for the input. I have figured out the "import to audio track" function and it's very cool! Now what I need to figure out is how I can record multiple MIDI tracks using VSTi's and then mix them down at together.