vst plug-ins not working for audacity...


New member
hey, so i downloaded some vst plug-ins from kvraudio.com and they aren't showing up in the program...i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. i download them then extract them to the plug-ins folder for audacity...am i missing something?
right i'm dumb...uh...i selected the track then clicked on effects...now i can use them...i thought you had to download everything in the effects list...yeah...sorry...so then vst plug-ins aren't for audacity?
well right on the audacity download page there is links to vst plugins for audacity....so someone should write them or something...i'm a noob and was just following links....

You need to go to Audacity's website and see what they recommend for a vst wrapper.
Ever think of reading the FAQs???


How do I install VST plug-ins?

1. First, download and unzip the VST Enabler (link there!).

2. Place the unzipped VST Enabler, along with your VST plug-ins, into the “Plug-ins” folder in the Audacity installation folder. (On Mac OS X, this is usually in the Applications folder. On Windows, it is usually under Program Files.)

3. The next time you start Audacity, your VST effects will appear at the bottom of the “Effect” menu.
i did that but the vst effects DIDN'T appear at the bottom of the effects menu..i tried some from a couple different websites and it was the same thing...and yes i DID download and install the vst enabler...anyways i don't really want to bother anyways...i'm thinking i'm just gonna pay and get good software...
Look for a wrapper. I use one for Cakewalk Pro Audio & it works well with many VST's.
Well i was right about the VST but if there is a enabler then there are ways round it good bit of information there.
A VST wrapper is just a plugin that allows a VST to work with the host prog. Rather like a catalytic cracker allows an engine to use lead free fuel.
Cakewalk uses direct X plug ins but with a wrapper it can use many VSTs.
Type Audacity VST & wrapper nto a search engine.