vst help for SE


New member
i have cubase se and it has vst instrument but i cant figure them out, if read the manual and everything. I dont really know too much about them but can i compose music just using cubase or do i need something else to send midi to it?
1. Press F11, put a VSTi in an empty slot

2. Add a MIDI track, set it's input to your controller, output to the VSTi

If you don't have a controller, get one - or else place notes using the mouse (major pain in the)

Start composing!
TheTrickster said:
If you don't have a controller, get one - or else place notes using the mouse (major pain in the)...
Just in case you don't have a controller of any kind (yeah, it is a pain...), just use the pencil tool and draw a line in the midi track. That will allow you to open up the key editor and begin the excruciating task of composing with a mouse... ;)
thanks for the help i appreciate it

yea ill get a controler or something, or just waste my whole day making a 2 minute song using the mouse.
ConcreteHippo said:
oh yea do you know how much a basic controler would cost me?
You should be able to get a decent one to suit your needs for between $100-$150 new, I don't know about used. Of course, there probably are cheaper ones out there...
Shouldn't be a bad starter, it's only going to be limiting if you want to program an instrument like a piano because you are limiting yourself to 2 or 2 1/2 octaves. IMO you should try and find something with at least 49 keys, that way you don't have near as many restrictions. Try and find a used M-Audio Radium49 or something like that. I got mine new for $149.00, but I think they are out of production now.

ok ill look for something more like that, 49 keys.

i was also wondering if i get something like that does that have something that would give me more instruments becuase im pretty sure SE only has drums and bass, or would i need to buy plugins or something else to get more instruemnts?
Go do a little searching around in there and you will find more free vst instruments and synths than you know what to do with. Usually the keyboards do not have anything but a usb cable and a cd with the driver included, but you might be able to find something.