VST cpu overload


New member
hello everyone!
I have a major prob her... and i need some help fast... im going to record my demo soon and i need it to work...

the thing is that i just bought a new soundcard the Terratec EWX 24/96 and when mixing it works just fine with a low latency, 5 millisec, and everything is going fine... the cpu overload goes quite hing but..
but the problem is when im recording i notice that the cpu load is at 100 % this (i think) resulting is various cracks and load noices in the recorded sound... why is this? what can i do to get this problem away all help is welcome...

i am going to reinstal my comp with some more ram and a new harddrive (new windows installation) but i still needed to ask fast because of my lack of time

oh yeah here are some of my specs:
p3 550
win 98
cubase 5.0
TerraTec EWX 24/96

Hallå Pungen!

Have you enabled DMA for the harddrive? (control panel -> system -> device manager -> disk drives -> (your disk) -> properies-> settings -> DMA checkbox)

Running on a higher latency and/or defragmenting the harddrive might help as well.

Make sure Cubase is set to use Terratec (not MS stuff) for recording, and it is using correct Terratec ASIO driver (not MS or DirectX ASIO).
I would also play with buffers.