VST/Card pops on shiny new PC


New member
My new PC pops when I open panels and click the mouse in VST. I'm using the same Delta-66 from my old PC and never had any problems before... It works fine with the SB5.1.
Any ideas?

VST 5.1R1 & Windows XP Pro
Delta-66 (I've tried all the recent drivers)
SB Live 5.1
MSI G2Ti Pro 64MB
Athlon XP 1800


You might be having an IRQ conflict. Try the Windows hardware troubleshooter to diagnose the problem. Also try switching the cards around, freeing up IRQ's you don't use (like Com ports and printer ports if you don't use 'em ...

That mobo's also got USB 2.0. See if turning that off helps any. It's a pretty hungry beast. Also try backing off the AGP settings, and install the latest Via 4 in 1 drivers (from www.viaarena.com).

I've been looking at that mobo for later. How's it at processing?

I disabled USB and it fixed the problem. But it's a bitch to have to do this everytime I fire up VST. I was previously running a dual boot system - I guess I could do this again, but I'd really prefer not to.

Is there anyway I can leave my USB active all the time and still get rid of the clicks (I need USB for work during the day)?
The MSI board has many glitches. It's packed with solid and useful features, but the board has some way to go before it matures, at least until it becomes a 100% stable and usable board.

Having said that, the lack of USB is very irritating. It is sharing an IRQ with the the soundcard, which is the source of the problem (likely).

Try moving the Delta 66 to another slot in the computer and check if that helps. Try #3 or #4. I'd stay off #1/#5, and put the SB into #2, or the other way round.

Thanks for all your advice, but...

Actually it DOESN'T work :(

I just tested it all again and I'm still getting pops (and awful ripping sounds) even with all USB disabled. Must have just been a lucky few minutes before when I thought it was fixed.

So... I moved the cards around, tried a few combinations - and it still doesn't help.

This is a problem directly between the K7T & the Delta right?
Or is XP in there somewhere?
Should I change my mobo? Should I change the Delta?

Before changing your mobo/soundcard (ideal solution is to get a chipset/PU combo recommended by m-Audio), you should look at trying to free up more system resources.

Looky here:




Rusty had a similar problem, but only at full load. The cures suggested (forget the bit about submixing) should be good. Later, me and Rusty kept touch on the mail, and we solved the problem by dropping the SB Live! off the board, moving the Lynx on to another slot and its own IRQ. By the time we were done, Rusty had two free IRQs and lost his skipping/cracking problem.

In a really extreme case you might want to consider a more stable setup like the Asus A7V266-E with RAID. I've got a Soltek SL-75DRV2, which I've not yet used to make recordings but which is stable as a rock when doing heavy gaming with all eye- and ear-candy turned on. The Asus should be rock-stable, though.

One more suggestion: Back off the AGP settings and memory timings a bit from the BIOS. Sometimes a board tweaked to the edge will do funny things, whereas a board set conservatively will be a solid, stable setup

Thanks... I'll give it a try in the morning.

If it doesn't work, I think I'll just sell the Delta and move on.
I was semi expecting the Delta/Via issue to come up at some stage. Pity I'm such a sucker for MSI stuff...
I give up

Damn it... nothing has worked.

I give up, I'm buying another card.

Anyone want to buy a Delta66? (Melbourne, Australia).
Before you sell the card...

Do you have an older version of Windows around? Do you have enough hard drive space to install a second OS?

I had a dual boot XP home and Windows ME system- with ME set up for audio only. I did that because I simply could not get Cubase and my Tascam US-428 to work and play well with XP. They always worked in ME and, voila, they worked again when I reinstalled it.

Then I read a bunch of stuff on the net about optimizing XP for audio and nuked the ME to give it a try. At this point my audio XP partition works OK, but still not as well as ME did- believe it or not. I'm far from a whiz at administrating XP (yet), but I had to kill most of the features that make it convenient (power management, font smoothing, etc.) in order to get the audio stuff to have *any* performance whatsoever.

You might have the same problems in XP with the next card that you get.