

New member
Does anyone else detest the VS840. I've had it for a while - got it shortly after they came out - and have struggled to get really good sound out of it. Now, I am no engineer, but, goddammit, I shouldn't have to be. The best I can get out of it is passable - a step above recording into a boombox. The sound is invariably brittle and thin - even using a good mic and preamp. The effects are crappy and difficult to tweak and are of marginal benefit. Of course I don't expect genuine studio quality, but I would expect a little bit of richness and depth. Maybe in the hands of a master you can produce master quality recordings - the best I can get is not very good demo quality. Maybe it's me. Maybe I am simple too much of a dunce to be able to use the thing, but, hell, you know, this things are supposed to be used by novices. My feeling at this point is that I should have gotten a Fostex cassette recorder. I chose the Roland based on a review I read in an equipment mag which said it was a fantastic piece of equipment. I suspect they were just quoting Roland literature.
i've had really good luck with my vs840. bought it used for $400 (thank god for crack heads!). roland uses a paticular type of compression scheme which does reduce the quality. nonetheless, i've been able to pull off some pretty decent demos. the effects are ok, but for an all in one box i can't really complain. i like the portabilty factor, i can take it to band rehersal, throw up a few mics, record everything live, and not have to hall around a bunch of outboard gear. i will admit it's proably not the best option for some people depending on the application but it works for me. you can check out some demos i did with mine at:
you might check out the korg d8 or d16 i don't think they use any compression. good luck.