VS 880ex questions


New member
Ok, I just bought a 880ex and I was wondering if I can use my Mackie 406m (6channel mono)
powered mixer with it. Also, I am goin to need a place to back-up my recordings and I am leaning towards a CD-R. I already have a CD-R (Iomega ext. 650 CD) hooked up to my PC and was wondering if I should go that route or just buy the VS-CDRII. If I go through the PC I'm goin to have to buy a new soundcard and software to communicate between the 880ex and the PC. Right now I'm kinda tight on cash so I'm really looking for the cheapest, yet best way to go. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bill
From what I've been able to find out, you won't be able to transfer 880EX songs to your computer. You can, however, do a digital copy to your computer using the sp/dif connections and a sound card that supports it. Copy into something like Cakewalk and save the files on some sort of storage medium. If you want to store the 880EX files you will have to get a Roland or Plextor cd-r.
As for your powered Mackie mixer, I'm not familiar with it, but if it has line level type outputs you can use it.
If each channel has a pan pot and there are two outs (left & right) you can have stereo. If not you will have all sound coming from center.
The only thing with the Mackie Mixer is it doesn't have stereo inputs, it's mono. Will it matter that much in the recording?
Thanks a ton for the replys so far.
If you record in an uncompressed format, like MASTER, you CAN convert the roland tracks to a WAV file.

Go to VPLANET.COM and look for the link to the WAV converter program. You can "back up" to CD, then read the files with your computers CD-ROM, and convert each track to a WAV.

Now, you will lose any effects that were not recorded 'wet', and any volume tweaks and what not.

But you will be able to have as many tracks as your soundcard can handle, and use a sequence program to assemble your song.